Our Team

Daniel Muller

Daniel Muller

Dan kicked off his career playing professional rugby in New Zealand, laying the foundation for many important business and life lessons. Dan has always been a businessman at heart, so when he returned to South Africa, he quickly set his sights on a string of successful endeavours.

His extensive experience within the Construction, Project Management, Signage and Brand categories spans over 14 years. His ability to ascertain a company's strengths and drive growth has provided a lasting impact on his companies, clients and his community.

Daniel is the founding member of the Reach Group and is the acting Group CEO. His strong negotiation skills and creative thinking has lead the Group through the most challenging economic climates facing our economy. Not only have all the entities survive, but they also grew in staff complement and turnover. Dan has dynamic communication skills, which is evident in his interaction with clients and their demands. His entrepreneurial nature and excellent business relations are the keys to the success of Reach Group.